The Delegation of the European Union to ASEAN in partnership with PannaFoto Institute through Landell Mills is launching a photo competition entitled “EU4Youth Photo Competition”.
The photo competition is organised as part of the celebration of the International Day of Youth and the EU-ASEAN 44th year of partnership. This year’s photo competition will carry the theme, ‘EU4Youth in the times of a pandemic’.
The photo competition is purposefully designed to only carry a general theme of youth in times of a pandemic, to provide youth with the freedom to capture the different ways the pandemic has disrupted their lives. The word ‘for’ is replaced by 4 (four) to symbolise the 44th year of EU-ASEAN relations in 2021.
Based on all criterias on term and conditions, visual storytelling skills, quality of works, representative country and gender, the judges Edy Purnomo (Indonesia) and Maika Elan (Viet Nam) have selected the 10 shortlisted as follows (alphabetical order):
- Aung Chan Thar (Male), Myanmar
- Christopher Junior (Male), Indonesia
- Geela Garcia (Female), The Philippines
- Intan Rahmaningtyas (Female), Indonesia
- Lattapol Jirapathomsakul (Male), Thailand
- Le Nguyen Phuong (Male), Viet Nam
- Minh-Hoang Nguyen (Nguyễn Minh Hoàng) (Male), Viet Nam
- Muhammad Fauzan (Male), Indonesia
- Reniel Nari San Diego Bautista (Male), The Philippines
- Visarut Sankham (Male), Thailand
Congratulations to all of you who made into the next step. Thank you for applicants who have submitted their interesting photos and stories about youth in the times of pandemic!